
Dave Elman Audio Vault Combo©2023

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Dave Elman Audio Vault Combo©2023


These audio recordings of Dave Elman his teaching in

the 1950’s to the 1960’s his Medical Hypnosis Courses to

his physician and dental practitioners.  It is a combination of 3 products:  

1)  HYPNO-ANALYSIS (about 5 hours) of Dave Teaching with the physicians and specifically on Hypno-Analysis, finding the cause, and then Hypnotherapy, ways of reframing and releasing the trauma or ISE.  It includes a booklet which Dave Elman included with the record set.

2)  ELMAN ON ELMAN  - Larry Elman speaks on the lp's and 78's Dave Elman put out for the Doctors before recording the full 10 lessons.  All the records are included with his son Larry's commentary about them.  He attended the course three times during his teenage years.  (about 5 hrs)

3)  THE ORIGINAL DAVE ELMAN 1960 SAMPLER SET: A Visit to Dave Elman Classrooms in Medical Hypnosis.  The doctors used this set as a form of study and review plus Dave also used it for marketing purposes.  The set contains 3-hrs of excerpts from 9 lessons held in different cities in the midwest in 1960.

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